Monday, April 30, 2018

Me Too & Time’s Up

            This is year has seen a lot of change in the rights of women, and I couldn’t be happier for it. I was lucky to have grown up with an unbroken nuclear family, but most of my childhood was spent around my mom and my two younger sisters, as dad was usually at work during the day. I grew up understanding women in a way many of friends did not, and my own relationships with women have been far stronger for that reason. That said, I could hardly contain my anger and disappointment when stories started cropping up about celebrities, officials, executives and other men of prominence being involved in sexual harassment cases against women, and often times children also. 
             Me Too has been a positive support group for women to come together without judgment or fear and stand beside one another through their individual experiences – while conquering them. And Time’s Up sought to take that a step further by calling out these men, creating a sense of fear for those not yet caught, or those beginning to follow down the unacceptable path of their forebears. This movement is long overdue, and begins with men in high positions of power and status. If these particular, manipulative deviants can be brought low, so can those average men who walk amongst us doing the same thing.  

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